Portable gas analyser rapidox 6100

Portable gas analyser rapidox 6100

**The Rapidox SF6 6100 Portable is designed for controlling and monitoring the quality of SF6 in medium and high voltage gas insulated electrical equipment.**

Exceptional accuracy and stability are provided when measuring the purity of SF6 gas, through specially selected sensors. The modular configuration allows for up to eight compatible gases to be analysed, simultaneously, with one analyser.

A gas output nozzle allows for the analyser to be attached to the Rapidox Gas Recovery Bag, ensuring that all sampled SF6 gas is recovered.

Internal SF6 gas pressure is recorded and logged by the analyser. All measured gases are analysed and data logged simultaneously with only a few minutes required to achieve a stable reading.

In order to accelerate the time taken in-between dew-point readings, a unique Rapidri system is fitted to analysers measuring H2O. When not in use the sensor can be isolated via the ‘Open-Close’ valve.

The analyser is pre-programmed with all current IEC and CIGRE test configurations, with the ability to create customised test parameters. Modular design allows for bespoke sensor combinations upon request.

Please contact Amperis for further information or to discuss your requirements.

Though highly configurable

to suit individual customer

requirements, the Rapidox SF6

6100 Portable possesses a

number of standard features to

enhance functionality.

• Bespoke sensor combination.

• 7” full-colour touch screen.

• Lithium battery provides 8 hours of operation.

• Heavy duty IP66 case.

• Total weight 8.5kg.

• Continuous data logging

downloaded via USB.

• Multi-language

• Charges on worldwide

• Integrated thermal printer

Download the catalogue: Portable gas analyser rapidox 6100.

Download the catalogue of Portable gas analyser rapidox 6100.

If you want to acquire Gas analysers with quality, you can also consult prices of Gas analysers.

If you have any doubts or need advice from our engineers, don't hesitate to contact us and we will be pleased to help you. You can also call us at (+34) 982 20 99 20.