CA Resistance Bank

CA Resistance Bank

The ideal tool for the analysis and testing of UPS, AC power supplies, etc.

Power resistors are used in generator load banks in order to prevent the diesel engine from getting dirty when working at low load. Therefore, they are used to reduce the problem of condensation in diesel engines. In addition, it is standard practice to use power resistors as load banks for battery maintenance operations in electrical laboratories, industrial and telecommunications facilities.

  • Amperis Resistance Banks can vary their power factor between 0.8-1.0.
  • Amperis has remote or local control options for both fixed and portable load banks, or any other type of bank requested.

Compact, ergonomic, silent, modular and reliable are the main features of our AC Resistance Banks. Features that allow Amperis Products to maintain its excellent reputation.


  • Natural convection cooling
  • Power from 5 to 120kW in a single element
  • Connections at the bottom of the equipment (Cold Zone)
  • Standard IP13 protection (normal outdoor use)
  • Options: rail terminals (DIN), IP23, wheels for movement.


Do not hesitate to ask for your offer, we will be happy to provide you with our best technical-commercial support.

Information for the definition of the equipment:


Ex. 400V


Ex. 50Hz

Total power

Ex. 3,3kW

Power Steps

Ex. 1

Configuration (single-phase, three-phase kW/phase)

e.g. three-phase, 1.1 kW/phase

Forced ventilation (Yes/No)

Ex. No

Tunnel Type (Yes/No)

Ex. No

Control Panel (Yes/No)

Ex. No

Auxiliary source (configuration)

E.g. 400V 50Hz three-phase

Download the catalogue: CA Resistance Bank.

Download the catalogue of CA Resistance Bank.

If you want to acquire Battery dischargers with quality, you can also consult prices of Battery dischargers.

If you have any doubts or need advice from our engineers, don't hesitate to contact us and we will be pleased to help you. You can also call us at (+34) 982 20 99 20.