SF6 Leak Detector
The Amperis SF6 leak detector uses an innovative infrared absorption detection cell that is extremely sensitive to SF6.
The SF6 leak detector maintains sensitivity for a long time with reliable performance.
It has an approximate life of 800 hours of use for the sensitive cell which decreases acquisition costs and increases its productivity.
Additional enhancements such as charge status indicator, sensor fault indication and rechargeable NiMH batteries. All included in a user-friendly unit of high quality and durability, as you would expect from Amperis.
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) is an excellent dielectric insulating gas for high voltage applications. It has been used extensively in high voltage switchgear and circuit breakers used in the power industry. The criticality of these applications makes an escape of this gas unfeasible. When this occurs, Amperis' SF6 gas detector can accurately determine where the leak is occurring and act accordingly.
- WEIGHT: 540g
- Sensitivity SF6: 3g/year
- Auto-adjustment to zero: automatic.
- Test length: 432mm
- Tensions:
- 120 V AC / 60 Hz
- 220 V A.C. / 50 Hz
- 12V with car adapter.
- Power supply: NiMH battery for 6.5 hours of operation, with charger included
- Operating temperature: 0°C to 50°C
- Storage temperature: -10°C to 60°C
- Controls: On and Off. High Sensitivity or Low Sensitivity.

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If you want to acquire Detectores de fugas sf6 with quality, you can also consult prices of Detectores de fugas sf6.
If you have any doubts or need advice from our engineers, don't hesitate to contact us and we will be pleased to help you. You can also call us at (+34) 982 20 99 20.