The problem of sulfation

Over time, the batteries degrade and lose the ability to store energy. Additionally, lead acid batteries suffer sulfation. If a regenerative treatment is not applied to the sulphated battery, the battery loses capacity and its life is reduced, its replacement being necessary. Discarding an industrial battery has negative environmental implications, however regenerating it, saving money from acquiring a new battery and actively and consciously collaborating with the environment.

The problem of sulfation appears in lead-acid batteries, since they contain as electrolyte a solution of sulfuric acid and distilled (demineralized) water. The lead sulphate crystals (PbSO4) are created on the electrode plates, forming a layer and damaging the electrochemical reaction, causing premature failure of most batteries. This is known as SULFATATION.

The crystallization of the electrodes implies their degradation, and is due to:

  • Incomplete charges (when not fully recharged periodically)
  • Long periods of inactivity with a low load state
  • Auto discharges
  • Low water levels
  • When a battery becomes excessively hot during operation.
  • When deep discharges are made

Amperis elimina el sulfato de tu batería

The upper image shows the sulfation (image on the left) and desulfation (image on the right) under the microscope.


The objective of the Amperis industrial battery desulfation system is the regeneration of the battery and its optimization, to prolong its life time and save costs.

During the normal operation of the battery, the lead of the negative plates and the lead dioxide of the positive plates are combined with the sulfuric acid of the electrolyte producing lead sulfate (PbSO4). This process reverses when the battery is charged, but the hardened crystals of lead sulfate do not have a reversible process performing a normal charge.

The starter batteries are formed by thin plates and traction batteries by tubular plates, and what they do is to transform the chemical energy stored in their chemical reagents into electrical energy through a redox process (oxidation-reduction) by exchange of electrons to produce a voltage. When the battery is discharged, its plates are sulphated and the electrolyte contains more water. The charging process is reversed and the battery is desulfated, but as the process is not 100% efficient the plates are sulphated in the process, electrolyte is lost and the battery operates at higher temperatures.
This process causes the degradation of the battery, which shortens its useful life based on the efficiency of the process, so that more than 70% of the batteries discarded is due to sulfation.


The effects of sulfation are the accumulation of crystals of lead sulphate PbSO4 which implies:

  • Battery usage time is reduced
  • The loading process is slower
  • Increased emission of hazardous gases during the charging/ discharging cycle
  • Accelerates the causes of premature failure



Applying the regeneration treatment of Amperis to a new battery or with little use will always remain in optimal conditions and will extend its useful life.
In the event that the battery is already sulfated and with several years of use it is convenient to use an industrial discharger that allows to determine the total capacity of the battery to be treated and allows to analyze the individual behavior of the elements during the discharge (the discharger is also included) in the Amperis battery regeneration system)

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