Troubleshooting guide for discharger potentiometers

Proceedure for fixing defect potentiometer R1

  • 1) Get information from the customer, ask to use email (Ref. [email protected]) and to provide:
  • a) serial number of the unit from the customer, if recv tel ask to use email immediately for SN and item 2) below.

WHY? From Arca it is possible to see if the unit is under warranty (2 year) or not

  • b) photo's wiring from the customer using standard Amperis photo below

WHY? Yes/No answer for usage of standard replacement kit (if non standard color code need to purpose build)

  • c) current/voltage graph from defective unit

WHY? Validates diagnosis (if similar to graph below) means we have std corrective process

Potentiometer and discharge sheet
Potentiometer and discharge sheet

2) Send standard instructions for fix below (down loadable from web site in reserved section):

  • a) Remove sides and remove top cover of the unit;
  • b) Remove the yellow lid on the regulation knob as per photo below;
  • c) Remove screw to access the holding lock bolt underneath;
  • d) Remove the sleeve;
  • e) Remove nut with spanner (EU 13) so that the potentiometer is loose ;
  • f) Repeat a) to e) on the sister knob (above or below)
a) Remove sides and remove top cover of the unit; b) Remove the yellow lid on the regulation knob as per photo below; c) Remove screw to access the holding lock bolt underneath; d) Remove the sleeve; e) Remove nut with spanner (EU 13) so that the potentiometer is loose; f) Repeat a) to e) on the sister knob (above or below)
a) Remove sides and remove top cover of the unit; b) Remove the yellow lid on the regulation knob as per photo below; c) Remove screw to access the holding lock bolt underneath; d) Remove the sleeve; e) Remove nut with spanner (EU 13) so that the potentiometer is loose; f) Repeat a) to e) on the sister knob (above or below)

g) use Battery discharger potentiometer fix kit Amperis p/n 0202851 (see below) that consists of:

  • Monoblock pre-soldered upper and lower potentiometer
  • Three wires to connect (red, black and white) attached
  • Two replacement knobs (these may not be necessary)

h) Cut the wires on existing/defective potentiometers approx 5 cm from the base and attach junction terminals (remove scotch and detach from kit);

i) Remove defective potenziometers and connect wires red black and white with the existing wiring using the new Discharger potenziometer kit (Amperis p/n 0202851), use crimp tool to fix the wires to the junction;

j) Reposition the new kit and fix to the knobs (or use new knobs if necessary) inverting procedure b) to f) above;

k) Replace the cover removed a) above.

3) Evade material movement and (if applicable) billing:

a) if unit is in warranty send by any carruier to customer

b) if unit is not in warranty or if a non standard (wire color is the only variable), get PO from the customer and evade a spare parts order. If not standard custom build, talN with Amperis will be required.