What is a battery simulator?

What is a battery simulator?

A battery simulator is an electronic device that simulates the real properties of a battery. The objective is to supply the voltage, power and current required in the same way as a real battery, that is, it is like a programmable electronic battery. This equipment is a very practical evaluation tool for evaluating a battery charger.

The battery charger must be carefully tested to ensure its reliability and its ability to charge batteries safely. A standard charge cycle (from empty battery to full) can take several hours to complete, so using a real battery to test the charger is not operational. However, a battery simulator can quickly adjust its output voltage from 0V (dead cell) to 4.2V (fully charged), in just a few seconds. The same happens for the discharge.

Therefore, the behavior of the charger can be evaluated by monitoring the system thanks to the battery simulator, which is a key element in the evaluation of charger circuits

Another noteworthy application is the cell balance test. It is important to point out that the simulation of the battery is the ability to emulate the battery cells connected in series in a block, since the connection of cells in series increases the input voltage of the system and provides power more efficiently. To effectively test the cell swing circuit, one or more battery simulators are required.

The following elements are found on the front panel of the equipment:

- Digital Voltmeter
- Analogue ammeter
- Test voltage selector (12-24-36-48-72-80 V)
- Voltage fine adjustment potentiometer
- Current selection potentiometer (0-200A)

How does a battery simulator work?

A simulator is essentially a special power source that has the ability to supply current and dissipate current. The Amperis battery simulator is designed to test battery chargers of any voltage and power. The objective of the battery simulator is to put in place of a real battery to quickly and effectively test the correct functioning of the battery charger, its performance and the cell balance.

The Amperis battery simulator has been designed to simulate batteries of any type, voltage and capacity. It can be operated at voltage or constant current and can be used to:

  • Test battery chargers or any other power source (such as electronic charging).
  • To discharge any type of battery voltage higher than 24V

Operation as electronic load:

  • Set the two selectors to zero: "Capacitor Precharger" and "Output Contactor".
  • Turn on the unit using the "Main Switch". At this time the unit will turn on and display 0V.
  • Select the voltage of the battery that you want to simulate using the "voltage knob" selector. The user must select the voltage of the battery to be simulated, using the appropriate potentiometer, while the current value is displayed on the digital screen.
  • Select the voltage / cell using the selector under the "knob voltage".
  • Select the maximum admissible input current through the "current potenciometer". This independent potentiometer is available to select the maximum current that the ACBX can absorb. Note that the maximum current must be greater than the maximum output current of the charger or source under test.
  • Set the "Capacitor Precharger" selector to position 1.
  • The output voltage of the unit goes up to the selected value. With the voltage potentiometer you can adjust the voltage to the desired value.
  • Now is the time to connect the equipment we want to analyze. The user connects the charger that will be tested to the ACBX input. The charger controller will detect that a battery has been connected and the charging process will begin.
  • Set the contactor output selector to position 1 to connect the equipment that will be tested to the battery simulator.
  • The ACBX keeps the voltage constant at the selected value, while the analogue ammeter indicates the current supplied by the charger. If the current tends to exceed the maximum value set, the CBX increases the voltage to limit the current. The user can modify the current and voltage freely, in order to simulate the behavior under any load conditions. It is possible to get the real curve of the charger in 1 minute.

Operation as a battery discharger:

  • Set the 2 selectors to zero: "Capacitor Precharger" and "Output Contactor".
  • Set the current potentiometer to the 0A position.
  • Turn on the unit using the "Main Switch". The display will show 0V.
  • Set the voltage selector to the 24V position.
  • Set the voltage selector to 2V / cell.
  • Connect the battery to the unit and the display will show the battery voltage.
  • Set the contactor output selector to position 1 to connect the device to the battery.
  • Select the discharge current through the current potentiometer.

Note that it is only possible to discharge batteries with voltages greater than 24V.
Attention: The Amperis battery simulator has no timer to stop the test so it is necessary that the operation is supervised.


End of the test:

  • Place the current potentiometer in position 0V.
  • Set the 2 selectors to zero: "Capacitor Precharger" and "Output Contactor".
  • Turn off the equipment at the main switch
  • Disconnect the equipment under test.


Notable features of the battery simulator

The Amperis Battery Simulator has a robust construction to provide maximum reliability in all industrial applications. It has a double case for maximum thermal insulation (during operation the outer part of the case is kept at low temperature). Its design is compact, the metal frame and has hard wheels covered in rubber (with ball bearings) to be able to move easily, which makes it a portable device.

The battery simulator is based on a high frequency IGBT regulator, which allows the equipment to work with constant current and voltage. The equipment has a programmable digital panel controlled by microprocessor that has a digital voltmeter and an analogue ammeter.

It has an intelligent protection system that includes a soft start and protection against polarity reversal and overheating. In case of overtemperature (for example due to a problem in the fans or an obstructed air duct) the ACBX simulator goes to stand-by mode, which provides thermal protection of all the electronic components and the resistance bank. It also includes self-test of the electronic circuits of load power with automatic stop in case of failure.

It can be used, as we discussed above, to check chargers of any type of current and voltage or it can also be used to discharge batteries of any voltage and capacity value (greater than 24V). It has the CE CSAus certificate, special features, for maximum reliability and flexibility.


Technical data

The voltage range is between 85-135VAC or 180-250VAC single phase, with the maximum power of 250W, the frequency 50 / 60Hz and the maximum current of 200A
As for the standard power, the voltage of the battery is 12 to 80V and the maximum current of 200A
The dimensions are: 325 x 630 x 570 mm, the housing is made of 2 mm steel and has 4 wheels to facilitate the movement of the unit. As for ventilation, it is forced.

Numerous publications highlight the quality and good performance of this equipment:















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